In my last post about netbooks I said I’ll make it so some kind of series of guides, so here the second part
One of the biggest problems when using a nebook is that every pixel matters. the screen is so small that you really need save as much screen as you can.
For that reason i found it very comfortable to replace the panels with a dock such as Avant Window Navigator (and not like Docky that I don’t like at all!).
when I looked on web (or more exact, on Google) I wasn’t able to find anything useful about it, so i went to our chat (#ubuntu-il) and got the answer right away (thanks Avishay! you’re the man!) :
WARNING: make sure you have a menu somewhere else, since after that step you can’t use Alt+F1 or Alt+F2.
First open the terminal (for beginners: Applications > Accessories > Terminal),
now enter the command:
gconf-editor /desktop/gnome/session
double click the option “required_components_list” and remove from the list the “panel” value.
logout and login back,
that’s it!
.I put my menu bar in my top panel, so getting rid of it would save no space whatsoever
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I’ve found that the best solution in my opinion is to keep the top panel and set AWN to autohide below the bottom of the window. When working I now only have one panel and when I head back to the dock it appears – simples!
I’ve worked with AWN in the past, and at the time i was using AWN with auto hide and also a single auto hidden panel at the top with a menu and some important applets. That way i can easily get to the gnome menu (I know you can now have a menu applet in AWN but at the time it wasnt available).
Eventually i stopped using it and went back to the panel only solution with the top panel always showing and the bottom auto hidden, beacuse i was using a lot of applets – including Ubuntu’s session applets – for which there was simply not a good enough AWN based replacement. As a result I found that moving to AWN did add a bit of space to me screen, and a lot of eye candy :), but at the cost of seriuosly degrading my workflow efficiency and ease of use. It was simply not worth it.