Not too long ago, there were two tween brothers, from the same mother.
One brother was a fool punk, and the second one was a genius (but a little geek).
the punk was totally dumb, he was illiterate person, when he was a little kid on the kindergarten, he barely painted a house, while in the same time the second kid was making a huge Lego castle.
The punk had many friends, even he was so dumb, cause he looked so good, had muscles, and was the coolest guy in the neighborhood.
The genius hadn’t many friends, just a few good friends, who always supported him, and forever will. the main reason was cause everybody around him were punks, he didn’t like those so much.
The punk knew how to fix cars, he had tools that only he (but the genius) knew how to use.
The genius knew how to fix computers, cars, broken chairs, and few many more things. he learned fast, so he could always learn more and more.
The punk was a professional stealer, he knew how to take money from people without making them feel abused.
The genius was a honest, generous, love spreader, and a little hippie.
Some people call the two brothers friends, well, the punk has never answered to the genius’s requests, maybe he’s just jealous.
Not too long ago, there were two tween brothers, from the same mother,
One brother is known as Mac, and the second one is known as Linux.